Trevor Mallory is a Property, Renovation, and Maintenance Manager for Family First Homes in St. Petersburg, Florida. This company specializes in buying homes, renovating the homes and renting them at affordable rates. His experience with affordable housing led him to be a Board member on the Lot Distribution Committee, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, and the Affordable Housing Policy Group.

Trevor took his first stab into the political world in 2013 when he ran for City Council for District 6. This campaign created a fire in him that has been burning ever since. He is now the President of the Pinellas County Democratic Black Caucus and is the Outreach Chair for the Pinellas County Democratic Executive Committee. In 2018, he earned the “Rising Star” award at the Pinellas County Democratic Executive Committee’s Annual Gala. Also, in 2018 he combined 2 of his passions, baseball and uplifting youth, to restart Gulfport Little League. The league started with 16 players and has increased to 68 players in only 2 years. He also just secured a 3-year contract with the city of Gulfport to utilize their baseball complexes and continue to grow the organization.

When Trevor isn’t juggling both work and politics, he likes to spend time working in his garden and relaxing with his wife and four daughters.

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