Join the Movement for Jobs & Opportunity

For decades, special interests and their friends at the state capitol have controlled the conversation and have excluded the voices and interests of everyday Louisianans. The effects of this are felt every day every day: an economy that is stagnant at best, an education system woefully unprepared for our current crisis, and a tax and legal environment that sends jobs packing to nearby states with friendlier policies. Together, we are changing this. 

Momentum is Building

Tens of thousands of Louisianans are joining the fight for Jobs and Opportunity in our state. By joining the Jobs and Opportunity movement, you make a significant difference in advancing this fight. Your special, tax-deductible gift today will go directly toward keeping the fight going in Baton Rouge and recruiting even more patriots like you to join us from every corner of Louisiana.

Let's write Louisiana's comeback story together. Thank you for your support!

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