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Corporate political contributions are specifically authorized subject to certain limits in New Jersey under the Act. Further, ELEC regulations expressly provide for corporate contributions to political committees ("PCs"), continuing political committees ("CPCs") or political action committees (more commonly known as "PACs") and place no limitation on the amount a corporation may contribute. However, certain regulated entities, e.g., telephone companies, banks, insurance companies and casinos and their affiliates are statutorily prohibited from making contributions under the New Jersey statutes and advisory opinions issued by the Attorney General. The building industry, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, legal, medical and dental professions, and real estate business are examples of entities that are not "regulated" and are outside the scope of the political contributions ban. Regulated entities are also not permitted to use their funds to establish, administer or to solicit contributions for PCs or CPCs. The ELEC regulations prevent entities which are commonly-owned or controlled from making contributions which, in the aggregate, exceed the contribution limits.

Paid for by Sussex County Republican Committee, Joe Labarbera, Chairman, P.O. Box 425, Newton, NJ 07860. 

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.


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