The SVGOP and the South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition (SPARC) are pleased to invite you to our Annual Summer Picnic, which will be held on August 25, 2024, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at Linda Vista Park in Cupertino.

We will serve delicious barbeque, provide DJ music, and allow you to meet and reconnect with other local Republicans.

Be sure to purchase your tickets early since we have limited capacity for the event.

Ticket Only
x $50
Includes one ticket (more)
Premium Tickets
x $100
Includes one ticket (more)
x $250
Includes one ticket (more)
x $500
Includes one ticket (more)
x $1,250
Includes one ticket (more)
x $2,000
Includes two tickets (more)
x $3,000
Palladium Angel Event Sponsor. Contact us for tickets. (more)
x $5,000
Gold Angel Event Sponsorship Contact us if you would like tickets. (more)
x $10,000
Platinum Angel Event Sponsor and Membership and Membership Contact us if you would like tickets. (more)
x $20,000
Diamond Angel Event Sponsor and Membership and Membership Contact us if you would like tickets. (more)
x $100,000
Lunar Event Sponsorship Contact us for tickets. (more)

Complete your donation below using Apple Pay.

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