Due to governmental restrictions and public concern surrounding the Coronavirus situation, this year's modified Convivium will include a full-course meal for pick-up or delivery prepared by Randy DeLatte, owner of Sicily's Italian Buffet in Broussard, LA. Pick-up will be located at Sicily's, 1212 Albertson's Parkway, Broussard, LA. Donors who decide to pick up their meal are welcome to stay to enjoy appetizers, wine, home-brewed beer, and conversation with the Tutors and families of SJCA.

- Single Entry Tickets: For a $50 donation, donors receive one Meal Ticket, which includes one full course meal, and access to the appetizers and beverages present at the pick up location.

- For a $100 donation, our Business Patrons who cannot attend the event will have their logo and contact information printed in our event brochure handed out with each meal.

- For a $250 donation, Hosts will receive 2 Meal Tickets, which includes one full course meal, and access to the appetizers and beverages present at the pick up location. Business Hosts will be featured in a quarter-page ad in our event brochure handed out with each meal.

- For a $500 donation, Sponsors will receive 4 Meal Tickets, which includes one full course meal, and access to the appetizers and beverages present at the pick up location. Business Sponsors will be featured in a half-page ad in our event brochure handed out with each meal.

- For a $1,000 donation, Benefactors will receive 8 Meal Tickets, which includes one full course meal, and access to the appetizers and beverages present at the pick up location. Business Benefactors will be featured in a half-page ad in our event brochure handed out with each meal.

Saint John of the Cross Academy is a registered 501(c)(3) educational organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Tax ID: 47-4658860

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