Dear Second Amendment Supporter,

The Supreme Court’s pro-gun decision last month has given us a doorway to breach in the battle for your Second Amendment rights. With their decision, firearms laws must now be judged just like any other right, so we are going on the offensive.

We are suing to overturn local assault weapons bans and magazine bans, forcing these laws to wind up in district courts where they will be subjected to the new tests the Supreme Court has put in place, which will likely overturn them nationwide, FOREVER.

However, battles like these aren’t cheap…

Thankfully due to loyal members and hardcore patriots like yourself, we’ve won many of these fights. And we’re going to win this one too!

Can we count on you to supply the ammunition to overturn these laws once and for all?

Every dollar you give helps guarantee the reclamation of our God-given rights to defend life and liberty. This can be the best thing to happen to gun rights in twenty years; make sure you’re part of this fight!

For Freedom,

Taylor Rhodes,

Executive Director

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