Friday, April 29, 2022

6 PM - RHS School Tour

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

8 PM - Get-Together @ Cucina Biagio

7319 W. Lawrence Ave, Harwood Heights

Cost: $15 per person at door. CASH BAR

Saturday, April 30, 2022

11 AM - Alumni Hall of Fame Brunch

Ridgewood High School Cafeteria

Cost: $35 per person & may be reserved at:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

6 PM to Midnight - Reunion Dinner

Harwood Heights Recreation Center

7300 W. Wilson Ave, Harwood Heights

Dinner, dancing and fun!

Cash bar available

Cost:  $75 per person

All tickets must be purchased in advance. 

Registration & payment deadline:

  April 15, 2022

 Admittance will not be permitted without prior RSVP & payment by 4/15/2022.

NOTE:  If you are only planning to attend either school tour and/or Friday night Get-Together at Cucina Biagio and are not making a payment, please go to our website, print out the registration form, & mail in.


Saturday Night Reunion Dinner
x $75

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