Deadlines: *Flyers are due by 12/29/17 | Banners are due by 1/6/18

Drop off both at: AZGOP/MCR office - 3501 N. 24th Street | Phoenix, AZ 85016

Questions? Contact Sheila at 480.239.0063 or

*Are subject for review

Flyers in PC Packets
x $75
No larger that 8.5x11 - Need to provide 2,000 - *Subject to review (more)
Candidate/Club Tables
x $150
Statewide Candidates (more)
x $150
Congressional Candidates (more)
x $50
x $50
Banner Space
x $150
No larger than 4x8 (more)
x $150
No larger than 4x8 (more)
x $50
No larger than 4x8 (more)
x $50
No larger than 4x8 (more)
Package Deals - Table + Banner + Flyer = SAVE $$$
x $350
Includes flyers in packets, table, banner space. Banners no larger than 4x8 / 2,000 Flyers need to be provided, no larger than 8.5x11. *Flyers are subject for review (more)
x $350
Includes table, banner and flyers in packets. - Banner:No larger than 4x8/Flyers:no larger that 8.5x11/Will need to provide 2,000 - *Flyers are subject to review (more)
x $150
Includes table, banner and flyers in packets. - Banner:No larger than 4x8/Flyers:no larger that 8.5x11/Will need to provide 2,000 - *Flyers are subject to review (more)
x $150
Includes table, banner and flyers in packets. - Banner:No larger than 4x8/Flyers:no larger that 8.5x11/Will need to provide 2,000 - *Flyers are subject to review (more)

Complete your donation below using Apple Pay.

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  • All forms use TLS encryption to transmit your information.
  • Your financial data is used to process transactions and is not shared with additional third parties.
  • All transactions are processed adhering to Payment Card Industry (PCI) Level 1 compliance.
  • If you opt to save your payment data for future transactions, your data is stored in a PCI Level 1 compliant facility.

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