We are living in a very tumultuous period in the life of our country. One of the things that make this such an unsettling time is the ongoing battle between a very clear and significant majority of the American people and those who control the "political class."
In theory, we the people govern in America, but theory and reality can be worlds apart in matters relating to race. We don't want the government to discriminate for or against us, but many in the political class consider it their mission to distribute racial "equity" and social justice, no matter the consequences.
Although we have ultimate power, the political class has staff and money. To defeat their potentially destructive ideas and proposals such as Critical Race Theory, we must remain vigilant and constantly engaged politically. That was the lesson of Proposition 16. To assist in defending the ideal of true equality, as opposed to race preferences that masquerade as equality, many Californians who united to defeat Prop 16 are now joining forces to battle on a more sustaining basis.
Our strength will be manifested by the number of people who support the Equal Rights for All Political Action Committee.
For $50, you can make a difference in the quality of candidates and help produce a crop of elected officials who will defend and promote our ideals!
Please join us, thank you!
Ward Connerly
President, Equal Rights for All Political Action Committee; President, American Civil Rights Institute; Former Regent of the University of CA, Former President of California for Equal Rights and "No on Prop 16" Campaign
This campaign has raised 4% of its goal.