Full-Time Ministry Director

Goal: $50,000

Brad has been serving as executive director since 2004. He and other volunteers from the US have led about 35 conferences in some 22 countries; seen hundreds of men’s discipleship groups launch; facilitated national leader teams in five countries; and conducted "get-by" fundraising to support these activities -- in his spare time!

All monies have focused on operations, not staff. Brad works full-time as a defense contractor project manager and analyst, and his employer is very supportive, but it has become clear that MOV’s progress is hindered by lack of full-time engagement.

This full time position includes teaching and writing (overseas and US conferences and retreats, podcasts, blogs, books, newsletters, web site content/expansion, recording conference and discipleship messages, etc.); fundraising (requests and ongoing communication with individuals, churches, foundations, businesses); and administrative oversight (planning and logistics for 16 MOV conferences/year; pursuing and maintaining strategic ministry partnerships; conference follow-up; research and acquisition of discipleship materials).

Our target is to have a full-time director by Jan 2023. This initial funding would allow Brad to begin a 12-month transition to full-time by focusing completely on meeting growing ministry needs.

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