36th District Democrats

Thank you for your interest in supporting the 36th District Democrats. We are an all-volunteer grassroots organization that mobilizes volunteers of organizers and activists to stand up for our values, register and educate voters, and to elect Democrats at every level of government. In fact, our state, county and city rely on the deep-blue 36th to turn out the highest number of voters every year, so we are committed to reaching as many voters as possible. We would love to have your support in sustaining our year-round activities and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts.

One of the best ways to help is by making a monthly donation to the 36th District Democrats. We count on support from individuals like you to keep this small organization going and to help pay for things like our legislative district caucus.

We couldn't do this work without you!

In solidarity,
36th District Democrats

Disclaimer: Contributions or gifts to the 36th District Democrats are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. If you have any questions or require assistance please contact us at info@36th.org.

Membership Benefits: Caucus members are able to vote* on important issues such as resolutions, executive board members, and the all important candidate endorsements. If you purchase a household membership, one additional household member will have their own vote.**

*You must be present at the meeting to vote.

**Please add the name of your additional household member below.

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