Our mission is to support a safer community by consistently identifying and securing public and private contributions which will be used to supplement funding for selected education, training, special equipment and pertinent programs for the Walla Walla Police Department and the community!

Sustaining Members
Increase public safety through special projects, crime prevention, community education and outreach. Consistent and effective recognition of outstanding achievements of WWPD employees and members of the community. Provide supplemental funding to the K-9 program including dogs, supplies, equipment K9 medical and K9 handler training. Enhance WWPD personnel with training, educational courses and programs. Provide supplemental funding for technological tools to improve the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement activities. Replenish the Community Care Fund. (more)
Community Care Fund
The Walla Walla Police Foundation has established a community care fund to provide emergency financial assistance to community members in need. Community members in need could include victims of crimes such as domestic violence or human trafficking, or someone that just needs a handup, a hotel room for the night, or a tank of gas to get out of town to escape an abusive relationship. WWPD Officers in years past have routinely reached into their own pockets to help those in need. The Walla Walla Police Foundation with help from its Community Partners will provide officers discretionary funds to assist a community member in need. (more)
Lifetime Members
$1,000 or greater (more)
$5,000 or greater (more)
$10,000 or greater (more)
2024 Golf & Banquet

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