Team Marshall

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Team Marshall (“JFC”) is a joint fundraising committee composed of Kansans for Marshall, Defending Our Conservative Senate PAC (DOC’S PAC), and Kansas Republican Party (each a “Committee” and collectively, the “Committees”). Any contribution to the JFC permissible under the Federal Election Campaign Act or 1971, as amended (“FECA”), from contributors who have not exceeded their applicable Federal contribution limits, shall be allocated among the Committees pursuant to FECA and the formula set forth in this Notice.

Contributions Made by an Individual or Federal Non-Multicandidate Political Committee

Individuals or federal non-multicandidate PACs may contribute up to $21,600 annually. Such contributions shall be allocated in the following order:

1. Kansans for Marshall shall receive any contribution not exceeding $6,600, designating up to $3,300 to the primary election and $3,300 to the general election, provided such limits apply.

2. DOC’S PAC shall receive any contribution not exceeding $5,000 annually.

3. Kansas Republican Party shall receive any contribution not exceeding $10,000 annually.

Contributions Made by Federal Multicandidate Political Committee

Multicandidate PACs may contribute up to $20,000 annually. Such contributions shall be allocated in the following order:

1. Kansans for Marshall shall receive any contribution not exceeding $10,000, designating up to $5,000 to the primary election and $5,000 to the general election, provided such limits apply.

2. DOC’S PAC shall receive any contribution not exceeding $5,000 annually.

3. Kansas Republican Party shall receive any contribution not exceeding $5,000 annually.

Contributions to Team Marshall or to any participating Committee individually are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporation, labor organizations, national banks, federal government contractors, foreign nationals without green cards, or other federally impermissible sources are prohibited. The contributor’s signature designates his or her contribution to the elections described above. Contributions that exceed a donor’s contribution limit to a participating Committee shall be reallocated to the remaining Committees according to this allocation formula to the extent permitted by FECA. Any contributor may designate his or her contribution to a specific participating Committee to the extent permitted by FECA. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of each individual whose aggregate contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle or calendar year, as applicable.

Paid for by Team Marshall, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Kansans for Marshall, Defending Our Conservative Senate PAC (DOC’S PAC), and Kansas Republican Party.

PO Box 26141, Alexandria VA 22313


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