To donate by mail, please make checks payable to Sarah for Governor, and mail to:
Sarah for Governor
PO Box 26340
Little Rock, AR 72221
Arkansas law limits contributions to $5,800 per election cycle. Each individual, political party committee, legislative caucus committee or approved political action committee may contribute up to $2,900 for the primary election and $2,800 for the general election -- for a total of $5,800.
- Corporate contributions are not permissible.
- Contributions are not tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Individuals may take a tax credit on Arkansas tax returns, up to a total of $50 per individual for political contributions made each year.
- Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited by law.
- State law requires that we collect and report name, address, employer and occupation for each contributor.
Paid for by Sarah for Governor
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