SacCountyGOP Trump Rally Watch Party!
SacCountyGOP Headquarters
9851 Horn Road, #170, Sacramento
Monday, November 4th
3:30pm - Check-In
4:00pm - Rally Begins in Kentucky

The Republican Party of Sacramento County is pleased to invite supporters of President Trump to a Rally Watch Party. The President will be gathering in Lexington, Kentucky with a few thousand friends and we'll watch from SacCountyGOP headquarters!

We'll supply some food, and you bring your preferred beverage. You will help us cover our expenses with a $15 donation per person.

Members of the 45 Squared Club may attend for free!

If you are paying for several guests, please include their names in the Comments section.

Complete your donation below using Apple Pay.

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Complete your donation below using PayPal.

If you cover the processing fee, we will receive 100% of your donation.

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Sacramento County Republican Party
PO Box 255367, Sacramento, CA 95865
FPPC ID: 910414
FEC ID: C00254490


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