Please be sure to complete the REQUIRED security information for as many tickets as purchased. Please also be sure to select a meal choice for as many tickets as purchased. Failure to complete the registration form in full will result in a delay of registration until the necessary information is provided. RSVP does not guarantee entry. We reserve the right to remove any person from the event. All solicitation of funds in connection with this event are by the Republican Party of Walworth County and not by anyone appearing as a confirmed guest. You will receive a receipt for your purchase from Anedot via email. Authorized and Paid for by the Republican Party of Walworth County, Debra Black, Treasurer. 


x $65
x $120
x $250
1st or 2nd tier seating for two (more)
x $500
1st tier seating for four (more)
x $1,000
1st tier seating for eight (more)

Complete your donation below using Apple Pay.

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