Victory Day Dinner  

October 22, 2024

For any questions regarding Sponsorships or general questions, please call the office at 727-863-5400

If paying by check, please make checks payable to Republican Party of Pasco and mail to: 

2043 Cobble Stone Dr. Hudson, FL 34667

Donations are not tax-deductible.

x $175
1 Ticket Entry (more)
x $250
1 VIP Ticket Entry (more)
x $20,000
20 VIP tickets, 2 reserved tables, prominent seating near stage, full page centerfold Ad in event program, name and logo on flyers and social media, Name & Logo on Bar Napkins, name recognized at table and event presentation, Logo Signage at VIP Photo Area. (more)
x $15,000
20 VIP tickets, 2 reserved tables, prominent seating near stage, full page Centerfold Ad in event program, name and logo on flyers and social media, Name & Logo on VIP Cocktail Napkins, name recognized at table and event presentation. (more)
x $10,000
10 VIP tickets, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, full page ad in prominent area of program, name & logo on all dessert napkins, name and logo on flyers and social media, name recognized at table and event presentation (more)
x $10,000
10 VIP tickets, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, full page ad in prominent area of program, name & Logo on VIP appetizer napkins, name and logo on flyers and social media, name recognized at table and event presentation (more)
x $7,500
10 VIP tickets, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, full page ad in event program, name recognized at table and event presentation, logo on all general area appetizer napkins. (more)
x $7,500
10 VIP tickets, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, full page ad in event program, name recognized at table and event presentation, name & logo on all general appetizer napkins. (more)
x $5,000
4 General, 6 VIP 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, half page ad in event program, name recognized at table and event presentation (more)
x $5,000
4 General, 6 VIP, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, half page ad in program, name recognized at table and event presentation (more)
x $5,000
4 General, 6 VIP, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, half page ad in program, name recognized at table and event presentation. (more)
x $5,000
4 General, 6 VIP, 1 reserved table, prominent seating near stage, half page ad in program, name recognized at table and event presentation. (more)
x $3,500
6 General, 4 VIP, 1 reserved table, fourth page ad in program, logo on all bid paddles, named recognized at table and event presentation. *Logo on Paddles Deadline Driven (more)
x $3,500
6 General, 4 VIP, 1 reserved table, fourth page ad in program, logo on one promotional item, named recognized at table and event presentation. *Logo on Item Deadline Driven (more)
x $3,500
6 General, 4 VIP, 1 reserved table, fourth page ad in program, logo featured throughout silent auction tables, named recognized at table and event presentation. (more)
x $2,000
8 General, 2 VIP, 1 reserved table, name recognized at table, event presentation and listed in event program as table sponsor (more)

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