Join both campaigns and special guest former astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger to talk about how all three women have defied gravity and expectations to pursue their dreams. Bring your whole family for this fundraiser to support our Democratic candidates: Danielle Garbe Reser for State Senate and Sharlett Mena for State House.

Thursday, July 16 from 5:00-6:30 PM Pacific.

Please make a donation today at whatever level is right for you; thank you for stretching to support these great candidates! Proceeds are split between the two campaigns. Donors who contribute through this page will receive an email before the event with details on how to join.

NOTE: Your contribution will be divided evenly between Danielle Garbe Reser (WA-SD-16) and Sharlett Mena (WA-HD-29). Click here to allocate amounts differently or view all recipients

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