Join us for an evening of celebration and inspiration at the New Hanover County Republican Party's annual Lincoln Douglass Reagan Gala! This year, we are honored to have Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson as our featured speaker. Mark is a true trailblazer in the Republican Party. He is a passionate advocate for conservative values, Second Amendment rights, and the principles of limited government and personal responsibility.

The Lincoln Douglass Reagan Gala is a time-honored tradition in our party, where we come together to honor the legacies of three of the greatest figures in American political history: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Ronald Reagan. This year's event promises to be one of the most memorable yet, with great food, and great company.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow Republicans and hear from one of the most dynamic speakers in North Carolina politics. Get your tickets today and we'll see you at the Lincoln Douglass Reagan Gala!

Details at

x $2,500
Table for 8 + 8 Open Bar + Name Recognition (more)
x $8,000
Table for 10 + 10 Open Bar + First Page Program Recognition + NHC GOP Website Recognition (more)

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