Your support makes it possible for grassroots activities to elect Republicans in Mecklenburg County. Thank you for your sponsorship of the MeckGOP's Grand Old Picnic on Saturday, September 10.

Our second annual Grand New Picnic will be on Saturday, September 10 from 10:30am-1:00pm at City Park in Pineville. The event is open to the public.

$25 reserves a spot for a table during the event. Event sponsorship includes all publicity prior and during the event, including to our social media and general distribution list. Booths are only for political organizations or candidates and not for for-profit businesses. We can not accept corporate donations for this event. 

Please provide your own table and/or tent. There is available power but it will require an extra long cord.

Dunk Tank
x $2
x $5
x $10
We're rigging the results. $10 means you can push the target once! (more)
General Donation
I'd like to make a general donation for today's event! (more)
x $1,000
Full promotion on event materials, at event, introduction of special guests and a dedicated social media post. (more)
x $500
Full promotion on event materials and at event and a dedicated social media post. (more)
x $250
Full promotion on event materials and at event. (more)
x $25
Includes space for an information table. Must be for a political organization, candidate or nonprofit/advocacy organization. (more)

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