Keep It Red - SUMMER FUN  | Thursday, August 17 | 5:30-7:00pm

At the home of the Representative Maria Syms and Dr. Mark Syms

Hosted by - Representative Syms and Dr. Mark Syms • Chris Herring, Maricopa County Chairman • Secretary of State Michele Reagan • Senator Nancy Barto • Senator Kate Brophy McGee • Representative Michelle Ugenti-Rita • Representative Heather Carter • Phoenix City Councilman Jim Waring • Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates • Michael Francis • Honorable Barry Wong • Jeff Schwartz 

With Special Guests - Congressman David Schweikert • Honorable John Shadegg • Honorable Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. • MCR Officers: Aaron Flannery, Yvonne Cahill, Cindy Casaus and Sheila Muehling

Maricopa County is a Red County. But it will take diligent work to keep it that way. Your contribution allows the Maricopa County Republican Party to equip the grassroots with tools and resources to register voters, recruit volunteers, and turn out the vote for conservative candidates. #MCR

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