Merchandise Order Form

P. O. Box 265

196 Main Street

Danielson, CT 06239


Phone: (860) 779-7250

For use by KHGS Staff ONLY

Merchandise or Service
x $20
Images of America Killingly by Natalie L. Coolidge and Robert A. Spencer (more)
x $20
Images of America Killingly Revisited by Natalie L. Coolidge (more)
x $20
Images of Rail-New London County Trolleys (includes Putnam Line) (more)
x $10
Mills Along the Whetstone Brook by Richard C. Adams (more)
x $10
Danielson Before the War: The Ante-Bel/um History of the Borough of Danielson by H. V. Arnold (more)
x $15
Williamsville by Ray C. Smith (more)
x $32
Dear Transcript: Letters from Windham County Soldiers During the Civil War 1861-1865 (more)
x $30
Literary Salad: Memories of Windham County Transcript Columnists From 1800-1900 edited by Marilyn Labbe (more)
x $3.50
Random Memories of Neighbors and Places on Chestnut Hill & East Killingly By Herbert A. Oatley (more)
x $15
Perspectives of Putnam by Margaret M. Weaver (more)
x $15
The Blumenthals in Danielson and Beyond by Natalie L. Coolidge (more)
x $20
Killingly Moments & Mementos by Wayne Magao (more)
x $17
Killingly Keepsakes by Wayne Magao (more)
x $16
Killingly Treasures & Antique Advertising Cards by Wayne Magao (more)
x $20
Views of Plainfield, CT: Postcard Album (more)
x $20
"Ghosts of King Philips War" by Thomas D’Agostino & Arlene Nicholson (more)
x $3
Reproductions of the 1869 maps of Killingly and the Borough of Danielsonville From Grey's Atlas of Tolland & Windham Counties, CT (more)
x $3
Killingly Historical Center Cloth Bags (more)
x $2
Postcards of various buildings in Killingly (more)
x $2
Copies of Society photo or postcard collections. These are in postcard size. (more)
x $7
x $0.50
Photocopies of 8.5x11 inch paper (more)
x $1
Photocopies of 11x17 inch paper (more)
x $7
In House Research Fee (more)
x $20
Individual Search fee (per hour rate) (more)
x $30
Multiple searches for two-three relatives in the same family (per hour rate) (more)
Maps from other years of various towns in Northeast CT Put quantity and Description in "Various Maps: Specify map(s) purchased & quantity" box (more)
Merchandise not on list Put quantity and Description in "Other: Specify merchandise purchased & quantity" box (more)
Shipping & Handling Fees (more)

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