All Democrats have are lies & the Mainstream Media. If we can fight the lies, America wins. Help us tell voters how Democrats lie to them.

They lie about America's history, about race, about climate change, about what they want to teach our kids, nearly any major divisive issue in America is told through the lens of the Democrats' mistruths, distortions, and propaganda.

At HRT we’ve seen this first hand. Hispanic voters are constantly fed fictions, told to them by Democrats and their mainstream media allies. Too many Republican leaders don’t do anything to fight back. Help us DO SOMETHING to combat the Democrat and Media’s lies.  

We’re launching a billboard campaign across Democrat areas in Texas to tell Hispanics the truth: that Democrats support killing unborn babies. 

Democrats like Francis (beto) O'Rourke, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden all support taking the life of the unborn.

Help us place billboards across Texas calling them out!

Texans need to be reminded to vote their conscience and their values. Life is sacred.

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