We have an emergency triple matching funds donor if we can enough of you to respond today.

We must deploy every video ad we have right away. The good news is that we have a donor standing by to triple whatever we can get right now.

We have a series of informative video ads that can turn the tide and make Democrats fear losing their election next year.

We must stand behind President Trump now and embarrass the corrupt Democrats by making them lose their impeachment vote. We can do this with pressure from the public. That pressure will come from our video ads exposing the Democrats' anti-America agenda. 

We can get your contributions triple matched right now because this is so important.

We have a lot to do and not much time. Please help us investigate and expose Democrat corruption before it is too late.   

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The National Republican Trust PAC, 2021 L St NW, St 101-340, Washington DC 20036.

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Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

2021 L St NW Suite 101-340

Washington DC 20036


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