This campaign has raised 8% of its goal.

Georgia Public Policy Foundation

Give Now to Join the “30 for 30” Campaign!

Here at Georgia Public Policy Foundation, our motto is "Changing Georgia Policy, Changing Georgian’s Lives.”

For 30 years now, we’ve done just that, offering helpful free-market policy ideas that have made Georgia one of the freest and most prosperous states in the nation.

Now, in a time of rising threats to freedom and increasing government power, our work grows more urgent than ever before.

Benita Dodd has been part of the Georgia Policy team for 18 of our 30 years. Now our Vice President, Benita says:

“We’ve been the voice of viable solutions, not only to elected officials, but for the countless Georgians who are told every day, by politicians and the media, that the only answer to a problem is to let government take charge.

"These are Georgians who often don’t even know who we are. They don’t know we’re standing up for their property rights. Pushing to expand their choices when it comes to their children’s education. Working to ensure families have affordable homes, healthcare and travel options. Being watchdogs of their tax dollars and Washington. Making sure Georgians have personal responsibility in making decisions about the issues and opportunities that affect their lives … instead of being instructed by a nanny government.”

Georgia Public Policy Foundation may indeed by our state’s best kept secret. But friends like you will help us make an even bigger difference for freedom now and in the years to come.

Our Georgia Policy scholars laid the early groundwork that has led to enormous progress for freedom and opportunity. Check out this timeline for proof.

Now, with our “$30 for 30” Campaign, we ask you and our other friends to donate $30 in honor of our first 30 years of changing Georgia Policy for the better. And to help keep the good work coming for another 30 years and beyond.

Will you give now to help us reach our $30,000 goal for this campaign? Please give your $30 -- or more -- below. Thank you.

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