Your support here today helps us elect brave new Congressional leaders who share my vision and values of ACCOUNTABILITY and ACTION. These carefully selected "best of the best" candidates must embody the following values...

1) They will demand MORE ACCOUNTABILITY from our military leaders, the President and all government departments.

2) They will INVITE ACCOUNTABILITY on themselves, in this same regard.

3) They don't just "talk the talk", they take MASSIVE ACTION for the good of our great Nation.

Government leaders are expending OUR tax dollars like never before, so WE THE PEOPLE must start demanding our money's worth! For example, in Afghanistan, where I personally fought 1 of my 2 infantry combat tours, our leaders spent $2 trillion dollars, over 20,000 wounded, over 2,000 killed, over 20 years of war, but what did the American people receive in return for all that blood and treasure?

Our disabled veterans sacrificed themselves to serve in the military, and now some eagerly seek to selflessly SERVE YOU AGAIN on the "political battlefield" in DC. Please JOIN ME and donate whatever you can to fund their fight!

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