This campaign has raised 48% of its goal.

Please join us! Your year-end gift by December 31 is fully tax deductible and will help us hit the ground running in the important 2020 spring semester - the time we are in the most demand for school speeches, award winner scholarships and take our winners on their important Winner Mentor Trip!  

ALSO in 2020: We are continuing our "How To Have A Civil Civic Conversation" segment in our School Speaking Program, launching our 90 Day Study entitled: In the Course of Human Events: A 90 Day Study of Important Dates In American History That Shaped the United States And Changed The World,  and professionally promoting winning songs to be played on the radio and PSA's to be played on TV! 

Your generous gift NOW - BEFORE MIDNIGHT DECEMBER 31 -  will help us make 2020 - Our Ten Year Anniversary Year -  our most impactful year for student Constitution Education - yet! 

Click here to read our year end appeal letter! 

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