Join us for the Voter Integrity Boot Camp in on June 12th!!!

Early Bird tickets are $15 until June 1st so get your tickets now!!!

Please select a ticket with the breakout session that you wish to attend. 

Calvary Baptist Church, 536 South Main Street, King NC 27021

June 12th 9 AM - 4PM

Food catered by Chick-fil-A will be provided for lunch along with condiments and drinks. 

Thank you!!!  

x $20
Campaign Finance Forensics teaches how to access the campaign finance documents and how to spot any anomalies in a candidate's reports. This course is not just for accountants (more)
x $20
Phantom Voting teaches how to identify voters who no longer live at their registered address, how to collect evidence of such voters, and what to do with the evidence (more)

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