Please join us for this impactful night as we learn about medical freedom from a holocaust survivor. We need everyone to know these stories and motivate us to fight back every day.

All donations will be used specifically to fight for YOUR medical freedoms as well as supporting Sami’s efforts to reach an even greater audience.  To know more about Sami's cause and donate directly to his organization please go here

x $10
1 Ticket (more)
x $25
1 Ticket and recognition (more)
x $50
1 Ticket, campaign sign, and recognition (more)
x $100
2 tickets, campaign sign, t-shirt, and recognition (more)
x $250
2 tickets, campaign sign, 2 t-shirts and recognition (more)
x $500
2 Tickets, campaign sign, 2 t-shirts, and an opportunity to have a small table to display materials (more)
x $1,000
4 Tickets, campaign sign, 4 t-shirts, and an opportunity to have a large table to display materials (more)

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