The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the carry rights case NYSRPA v. Bruen. A pro-gun ruling in this case would not only affirm the right carry outside of the home, but it could undo DECADES of anti-gun laws and lower court rulings restricting your right to carry.

CGF is helping to fund a critical follow-up brief in this case to make sure the Supreme Court rules correctly for freedom. However, we need YOUR SUPPORT to launch.

Please make an URGENT contribution of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can TODAY!

If you do, you will automatically be entered to WIN a Glock 34 Pistol Package containing a Glock 34 with two 10-round magazines, TruGlo TFX Pro Sights, an Apex Tactical Trigger Kit, a Real Avid Smart Mag Tool, and a Crossbreed IWB SuperTuck holster.

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