I hereby certify that:
I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.
The funds being contributed are my own and were not provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
I am not prohibited by State or Federal law from making this contribution.
I do not currently have a redevelopment contract that receives State money in the legislative district which the Legislator receiving this contribution represents.
Proceeds will benefit Brandon Umba for Assembly New Jersey law prohibits entities operating in certain regulated industries (casinos, financial institutions, insurance companies, utilities) from contributing.
Election Law allows contributions with a limit of $5,500 per candidate per election from individuals and corporations and $17,300 per candidate per election from PAC’s. A partnership or limited liability company may not contribute as an entity. However a check from a partnership or limited liability company may be accepted so long as it is accompanied by a letter allocating the contribution to the individual partner(s) or member(s) and is signed by each contributing partner or member. The letter must include each contributing partner’s home address. A partner’s total contribution, through the partnership and personally, cannot exceed the $5,500 per candidate per election limit. Cash contributions will not be accepted. Contributions are not deductible for federal tax purpose.
Paid for by Brandon Umba for Assembly
PO Box 999
Edison, NJ 08818
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