Friends of Amanda Chase

I’m running for re-election to the Virginia Senate this November 2019, and humbly ask for you to invest in my campaign. I’m willing to run and represent your values and interests, I just need your help to return.

Currently, I have 2 Democrat opponents, who will compete for the Democratic nomination this June 2019, before challenging me this Tuesday, November 5. One of my opponent’s is backed by the well organized Chesterfield Liberal Women’s Club. Her fundraiser is the same fundraiser who raised millions for now Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger. That said, we are preparing now as we must gear up with staff, website and office expenses.

So much is at stake right now and everyone must do their part. We can’t allow the Democrats to take control of the Senate and turn Virginia into California or New York. With a 21 Republican to 19 Democrat margin in the Senate, we must ensure that I return.

My family and I have joyfully given sacrificially to ensure that you are represented by someone who has your best interest at heart. Now, during this election season, I’m asking you to please give sacrificially of your treasure.

May God Bless You!

Senator Amanda Freeman Chase

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