State law requires us to use best efforts to collect and report the full name and address, principal occupation or job title, and full name of employer of individual whose contributions equal or exceed $500 in a reporting period. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law. Contributions to political campaigns are not tax-deductible.
By clicking on the "Donate" button you confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:
I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States.
This contribution is made from my own funds, and not those of another.
This contribution is not made from the funds of a corporation or labor organization.
This contribution is made on a personal credit card or debit card for which I have the legal obligation to pay, and is not made either on a corporate or business entity card or on the card of another person.
I am at least eighteen years old.
Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.
To contribute by mail send a personal check made payable to "Anjuli Renold Campaign" and send to:
Anjuli Renold Campaign
1716 Briarcrest Dr., STE 100
BRYAN, TX 77802
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