My name is Blaise Smith and I am a resident of Centerville, Louisiana. I am married to Karen McGoff and together we have six children, 15 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. 

I am a U.S. Army Combat Veteran having served in the Vietnam War. I have been in Law Enforcement for the past 47 years as a Reserve Officer, Part Time Officer, and Full Time POST Certified Officer. I retired from St. Mary Parish Sheriff's Office in December of 1994 at the rank of Chief Inspector. I retired from the Chitimacha Tribal Police Department as Chief of Police. I have attended and completed numerous trainings and certifications in my career. I also held a Federal Commission through the Department of Interior for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

My prayer is that as your Sheriff, we can continue the progress in making St. Mary Parish a safer and more prosperous place to live.

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